viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians

Steve Reich (b. 1936)
Music for 18 Musicians
Steve Reich and Musicians
14 tracks; 67 minutes

If you're in any way interested in new music, either as a composer, performer or listener, this is an absolute MUST. It's basically essential listening. Reich's style is the most influential of any of the post-war era. I love this piece very dearly and it has had a tremendous effect on the way I look at music, as it has on countless other composers of today.

(One of my most prized possesions. Nothing derives more pleasure for me than burying my face in this score and immersing myself in the shimmering nuances of this work. It plugs me out of everything around me like little else does.)

Do yourself a favor and download this like now.

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